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What we do

We design solutions and services to encourage greater use of e-mobility

As a Life Company, our aim is to improve the quality of life for individuals and for businesses by offering them essential services marked by the highest standards of quality and efficiency. One of these services involves the development of charging infrastructures for e-mobility purposes. In the sphere of the electrification of transport, we want to become a point of reference and an ideal partner for car sharing companies, businesses, carmakers and public institutions. In fact, through the setting up and management of charging facilities and the development and optimization of charging services, we are making an important contribution to the electrification of mobility.

We had already understood, many years ago, that the future of mobility is electric. In fact, since 2010, we have been developing a network of electric charging stations for two-, three- and four-wheeled vehicles, all using 100% renewable energy. In 2017, we opened the biggest hub for the charging of our corporate fleet, which currently stands at more than 100 electric vehicles (cars and vans). Today, our circuit boasts a total of about 850 charging points, located mainly in Lombardy (in the Milan, Bergamo, Brescia, Cremona and Valtellina areas) and in the Friuli-Venezia region (in the town of Monfalcone). We also run a charging service for private and corporate customers which allows access through digital platforms (apps and portals) to a network of charging infrastructures nationwide, allowing users to choose and memorize their payment method and opt for pay-as-you-go or a monthly plan.

Dal 2010 stiamo sviluppando un network di stazioni di ricarica elettriche, alimentate con energia 100% rinnovabile1, con un obiettivo ambizioso: realizzare una rete capillare di punti di ricarica a livello nazionale per soddisfare due fabbisogni di ricarica: una ricarica lenta e notturna in città con aree a bassa potenza per i residenti e una ricarica veloce e ultra veloce ad alta potenza per le aree extra urbane.

Gestiamo inoltre un servizio di ricarica per clienti privati e aziende che consente l’accesso, tramite piattaforme digitali (App e Portali), ad una rete di infrastrutture di ricarica estesa su tutto il territorio nazionale. Queste permettono ai clienti di ricaricare scegliendo e memorizzando il proprio metodo di pagamento e di fruire di ricariche attraverso offerte “a consumo” o in “abbonamento”.


Energia elettrica erogata dalle nostre colonnine ad accesso pubblico dal 2011 al 6 marzo 2025

Nota 1:
L’energia elettrica erogata dalle colonnine di ricarica viene coperta con appositi certificati che garantiscono che un quantitativo di energia elettrica pari a quello prelevato dal cliente è stato prodotto da impianti alimentati da fonti rinnovabili.

Corporate mobility

We are leaders in the electrification of corporate mobility

We have renewed our fleet with the purchase of about 700 electric vehicles and the installation of over 1,200 charging points at 90 Group sites. The initiative will also enable a reduction of over 25% in CO2 emissions compared to those of the preceding corporate fleet, totalling approximately 1,000 tonnes a year, the equivalent of the amount absorbed by a forest of 50,000 trees


Public-access charging points

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