A2A and the companies belonging to the A2A Group have set up their own in-house whistleblowing channels that guarantee the confidentiality of those reporting, the other parties involved, and the contents of the reports.
A2A has adopted “A2A Group whistleblowing guidelines (anonymous and identified)”, that have been updated following the entry into effect of Law No. 24/2023 which has completely revised the regulations on this matter.
Reports may be sent in by persons inside or outside the organization, such as employees, collaborators, self-employed workers, trainees, consultants, suppliers, shareholders, or persons having administrative or supervisory functions at the companies of the A2A Group, such as Board Members or members of the Boards of Statutory Auditors.
Reports, which should be as detailed as possible, of violations of the law that harm the public interest or the integrity of the company, such as a corrupt act or the violation of occupational health and safety or environmental regulations.
Reports that are not considered whistleblowing as such and that will not be taken into account, include:
for sending written or oral reports or to ask for a meeting with the reporting manager
The Reporting Committee, made up of the Directors of Internal Audit, Legal Affairs and Compliance and People&Transformation at A2A S.p.A.
The Reporting Committee will refer any reports falling under Law No. 231/2001 to the watchdog body of the specific company to be checked as needed.