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Our Ecological Transition

  • Our model
  • Circular Economy
  • Energy Transition

Our model

Our Ecological Transition model is circular.

We are a Life Company because we put life at the center of everything we do. We work with energy, water and the environment using a real model that encourages the circular use of resources. This is how we work towards the country’s ecological transition by committing ourselves to achieving ambitious environmental and social goals, first among these net-zero.

At A2A, all waste and scrap becomes a resource and is given a new life, not only in the form of a new material, but also new energy. We work to make the energy that we generate from the sun, water, and wind, cleaner and more renewable for communities.

By implementing and supporting this process, we provide our communities and customers with the infrastructure and services that are part of everyday life and that can make a concrete contribution to the sustainable future of the coming generations. In addition, we work to spread a new culture of sustainability by promoting a vision of a cleaner world, that respects the environment, territories, and people.

3.3million tonnes

CO2 emissions avoided by the A2A Group

Two integrated souls to breathe new life into the future. Life is a circle.

The key to the success of our Value Chain is the integrated and continuously connected application of two pillars: circular economy and energy transition.

This is our contribution to the future of the new generations, knowing that we can all do our share in this journey by making mindful choices: from proper waste separation to sustainable energy use. We therefore promote positive behavior, which can have a real impact on our society and the environment around us.

Let’s learn, all together, to respect life, the environment and its resources in the most natural way possible. Life is a circle.

A2A Value Chain
A2A Value Chain

Circular Economy

Everything can have a new life.
This is how we create a circular economy.

We work for the future of the new generations by transforming waste to give it a new life in the form of a raw material or energy and heat for communities This is how we limit the need for landfill sites, reducing CO2 emissions.


waste transformed, in 2023

70% into a material and 30% into energy

SDG goals pursued

We are for sustainable development.

Our Circular Economy model goes towards achieving many of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to be reached worldwide by 2030.

Some of our circular economy projects in 2023

We think in a circular way.

Through our projects across the country, we build a culture of circularity in individuals, companies and institutions and help communities and territories to implement a true model of a circular economy.

Energy Transition

We treat natural resources with respect to breathe new life into tomorrow's energy..
This is how we accelerate the energy transition

Energy transition is a must for the future of our plant, and therefore is a fundamental pillar of our ecological transition model. We offer our communities renewable energy by respectfully using the natural resources the country is rich in: sun, water and wind.

In this way, we contribute concretely to the country's energy transition process, by accelerating decarbonization and encouraging the increasing electrification of services and consumption.


electric power produced, in 2023

38% from renewable sources

SDG goals pursued

We are for sustainable development

Our Energy Transition model goes towards achieving many of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to be reached worldwide by 2030.

Some of our projects in 2022 for energy transition

Renewing our energy to transform the country

We work with organizations, companies, and institutions in Italy and abroad to promote the energy transition and electrification of consumption by communities and territories. Find out about our projects.

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