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A2A Group is based on  legality, fairness, impartiality and independence principles in relationships with its suppliers.
Suppliers are selected considering quality certification, environmental impact, health and safety of workers.

In this section, you can:

  • know  the tenders published and request to participate in competitions;
  • Ask to become a supplier of  A2A Group: 
    • requesting to be qualified on the European Qualification Systems;
    • requesting to be qualified on Supplier’s Portal.
  • Suppliers Portal
  • Tenders
  • European qualification systems
  • Supplier qualification
  • Firma grafometrica
  • Info

Suppliers Portal

The one way of connection between A2A and the companies who wants to cooperate with the Group.

Suppliers Portal is the one way of connection between A2A and the companies who wants  to cooperate with the Group.
Through Suppliers Portal, in fact, it’s possible:

  • apply to be included in the Group’s authorized supplier register, which is open to all those companies interested in being added to the list of suppliers that A2A considers suitable to be invited to bid for contracts for work and the procurement of materials and services, without any prior publication of a call to tender;
  • process entitlement renewals on their expiry;
  • take part in online tenders;
  • apply for sub-contracting authorization on contracts that have already been drawn up.

The Supplier Portal will gradually be enhanced with additional functions.


Systems published here are only intended to offer Suppliers wider and more timely information, the same does not replace in any way officially published documents, to which it is always necessary to apply to participate in tenders.

European qualification systems

This section contains the European Qualification Systems currently active for the A2A Group companies.

Systems published here are only intended to offer suppliers a wider and more timely information, it does not replace any official published material, which is always necessary to refer to participate in the competition.

Supplier qualification

A2A has established an evaluation process that allows, to  the potential suppliers, to obtain the qualification needed to participate to the tenders of the Group.
The qualification system is open to all interested companies and ensures the maintenance of the updated list of suppliers to be consulted, at the discretion of A2A, for invitations to tenders for works, supplies and services.

Firma grafometrica

Uno strumento per aumentare la sicurezza sugli impianti di termovalorizzazione di A2A Ambiente S.p.A.

Attraverso l’utilizzo della firma grafometrica avanzata è possibile sottoscrivere i permessi di lavoro, ovvero i documenti per la messa in sicurezza degli impianti di termovalorizzazione durante gli interventi di manutenzione. 
In questa sezione si possono visualizzare i documenti previsti dalla normativa.

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