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  • Our foundations
  • Fondazione AEM
  • Fondazione ASM
  • Fondazione LGH

Our solid foundations

Fondazione AEM, Fondazione ASM and Fondazione LGH: our Group’s solid foundations

As a Life Company, fostering life and resources in the areas where Group companies operate is one of the issues most dear to us. We have always been committed to supporting their activities in a logic of continuous improvement of processes to further the common good.

Within this context, Fondazione AEM, Fondazione ASM and Fondazione LGH play a significant role, working to promote important initiatives, creating value for communities and spreading a culture based on sustainability.

The three foundations are founding partners of the non-profit Banco dell’energia (Energy Bank).

Fondazione AEM

Fondazione AEM was established on 27 June 2007 with the objective of safeguarding and making known the history and culture of the Azienda Elettrica Municipale (AEM) of Milan. AEM was the energy company of Lombardy’s regional capital from whose merger with ASM and AMSA was born A2A S.p.A.

Its activities encompass five fundamental areas, which range from public utility to social solidarity.

Environmental education 

The Foundation believes strongly in the adoption of new lifestyles that generate a positive impact on the environment and on daily life, such as the intelligent consumption of energy. Working closely with the Group’s Progetto Scuola (Schools Project), it carries out educational activities for students at schools in Milan. At its headquarters, Fondazione AEM organizes cultural and educational initiatives to raise young people’s awareness about energy and environmental issues.

Safeguarding heritage

The Foundation has always been very attentive to the safeguarding and conservation of the historic, architectural and cultural heritage of the Azienda Elettrica Municipale (AEM) of Milan. With very careful management of its photographic, archeological-industrial heritage and its collection of items of artistic value, it works to reorganize and digitalize its historic archives.

Scientific research

Collaboration with Italian and foreign foundations operating in the same field and with public and private university and non-university research centres enables the foundation to support scientific research in both the energy and the environmental fields.

Specialist training

The energy and environment sectors are expanding greatly and require qualified people who, with their skills, can help take the country towards the ecological transition. For this reason, the Foundation invests in training. With scholarships, too, the Foundation actively supports the RIDEF Master courses at Politecnico di Milano, the Master in Sustainability and Energy Management (MaSEM) at Università Bocconi and the EMTESIS Executive Master at Milan’s Università Cattolica.

Helping the community

The Foundation is also active in providing direct help in areas in which the Group operates. It contributes in support of Lombardy’s institutions and freely invests some of its resources in projects seeking to foster economic and social development. With direct participation, it supports projects of a social nature.
It organizes and hosts cultural events at its Milan headquarters in Piazza Po. 

Fondazione ASM

Fondazione ASM Brescia, a charitable institution, was established in 1999 by ASM S.p.A., which, along with AEM and ANSA, merged to form A2A S.p.A. It operates in the Brescia and Bergamo areas.

Created to foster the strong relationship which the Azienda Servizi Municipalizzati (ASM) had started to build in 1908 with the people of Brescia, Fondazione ASM works to reduce inequalities and promote sustainability by contributing to the creation of a society that is open and sensitive to the issue of environmental protection.

With these objectives, it strives to promote the human growth of people living in its area of operation through artistic and cultural events and social solidarity projects, with a particular focus on those activities coherent with the A2A Group’s strategy of growth.

The Foundation is an active partner in numerous activities run by voluntary organizations, social entrepreneurship and other foundations. With its transformation into a charitable institution, it confirmed its profile as a body striving to give a modern and evolved interpretation of philanthropy through its many relationships in and around Brescia and Bergamo.

Fondazione LGH

Fondazione LGH, the leading foundation in its area, places great emphasis on scientific research, through the implementation of innovative technologies and the development of projects in the spheres of energy transition, the circular economy, renewable and bio-energies, smart agriculture, smart land and smart grid, as well as energy efficiency schemes and sustainable energy plans.

The establishment of a synergistic relationship with universities is one of the Foundation’s aims; it provides funding for scholarships and research projects on the macro-themes of artificial intelligence and data use, the development of IoT architecture and innovative sensors used also in the agro-food sector.
With universities and technical institutes, the Foundation will be able to contribute to the learning of new skills and will enable local areas to become focal points for business with the opportunity to transform themselves into driving forces for investment in growth.

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