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Contact us

Contact us

How can we help you?

We have brought together all the corporate channels and those dedicated to our services so that you can contact us according to your needs.

To report emergencies, you can use our rapid response numbers.

  • Our services
  • Company contacts
  • Our offices
  • Rapid response

Our services

Numbers and contact channels

Choose the service area. You will find various channels to get in contact with us.

  • A2A Energia

    For information or to manage your energy supply yourself, consult our websites and dedicated pages.

    For the Free Market, go to the Contacts section and access the Customer Area or download the MyA2A app.

    For the Protected Service, go to the Contacts section or access the Customer Area.

  • Unareti

    It is possible to contact our Helpline: 800 030103

    For all contacts and gas and electricity emergency response numbers, consult the dedicated area.

    LD Reti

    Per tutti i contatti e i numeri di pronto intervento gas ed elettricità consulta l'area dedicata.

  • Amsa

    It is possible to contact the Customer Service at the Helpline number 800 332299 from Mondays to Fridays 7.30 -17.20 and on Saturdays and Sundays 7.30-16.00.

    All communication channels are remotely accessible: the PULIamo app for smartphones and tablets; e-mails to and the dedicated online channel for enquiries and other communications.

    Users can check for updates and other communications at


    The Customer Service can be contacted on our Helpline at 800 437678 from Mondays to Fridays 8.00 - 17.00 and on Saturdays 8.00 - 15.00, or by making an appointment online at one of our help desks.

    All communication channels are remotely accessible: the PULIamo app for smartphones and tablets, and the dedicated online channel for enquiries and other communications.

    Users can check for updates and other communications at

  • A2A Ciclo Idrico

    The Customer Service can be contacted from Mondays to Fridays 8.30 - 17.00 at 800 135845 (landline calls) and 030 5585016 (mobile and international calls), with costs depending on provider charges. Alternatively, it is possible, online to make an appointment at one of our help desks.

    Customer Area always available

    Users can check for updates and other communications at

  • A2A Calore e Servizi

    The Customer Service for district heating enquiries can be contacted from Mondays to Fridays 8.30 - 17.00 at 800 912198 or via the dedicated online channel. Alternatively, it is possible, online to make an appointment at one of our help desks.

    Also available is our Customer Area

    Users can check for updates and other communications at


  • A2A Energia

    The Customer Service can be contacted at 800 035151. 

Company contacts

*Required fields


E-mail address:

Press Office

Giuseppe Mariano

Responsible Media Relations, Social Networking and Web

Tel: 0277204583


Foto di Giuseppe Mariano - Responsabile Media Relations, Social Networking and Web


Marco Porro

Head of Investor Relations

Tel: 02 77203974



Manuela Baudana

Responsible Sustainability Development

Tel: 0277204308


Foto di Manuela Baudana - Responsabile Sustainability Development

Our offices

We have been operating in Brescia and Milan for over 100 years

There are several A2A offices in the following cities. Find out about the main ones.

Rapid response

In case of emergency

To report emergencies, use the rapid response numbers of the following A2A Group companies and services.

Le nostre app

Uno stile di vita rispettoso del futuro è possibile solo grazie alla partecipazione di tutti

Miglioriamo insieme la qualità della vita di tutti, in casa e in città. Dal controllo dei tuoi consumi di energia alla ricarica del tuo veicolo elettrico, dalla guida alla raccolta dei rifiuti alla segnalazione di guasti della rete di illuminazione pubblica: , scopri e scarica le nostre app.

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