Simona Giorgetti has been A2A’s head of Social Affairs, Heritage and Cultural Projects since July 2020.
She graduated in Literature and Philosophy in Pisa and is a freelance journalist.
Previously, as head of media relations and chief communications officer, she has handled external relations for major operators in the public and private sectors.
As a member of the board of Fondazione Adecco per le Pari Opportunità, her activities have included professional inclusion projects for the disadvantaged.
Before joining A2A in 2015 as head of media relations and communications, for almost 10 years, she held positions in the Poste Italiane group, initially as head of media relations and Web presence. Subsequently, as head of external relations and communications, she handled the positioning of the company during the deregulation of the postal sector, the development of the group’s financial services and the setting up of the Poste Mobile telephone company. She was nominated for board membership at Postecom, the company created to develop group digital services and e-commerce.
Prior to this, until 2005, she was head of corporate, financial and product communications at Indesit Company, in a period which saw the acquisition of leading global brands like Hotpoint, and expansion into the Russian and Asian markets. In the late-1990s, she worked for the Mondadori group as head of the press office for its non-fiction publications and was also responsible for the Jackson Libri start-up.
Since July 2020: Head of Social Affairs and Heritage , A2A
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A2A S.p.A. - P.I. 11957540153