At 31 December 2024, A2A share capital amounts to 1,629 million euros, divided into 3,132,905,277 shares with a par value of 0.52 euro each. All shares are voting shares, although - as laid down in art. 9 of by-laws - no individual shareholder other than the Municipality of Milan and the Municipality of Brescia may hold an equity interest exceeding 5% of the share capital. Should such ceiling be exceeded, the voting right attached to the shares held in excess of 5% of the share capital may not be exercised.
On 24 April 2024 A2A Shareholders’ Meeting confirmed the purchase and disposal of treasury shares. A2A currently didn’t holds own shares.
We are a solid business entity with the municipalities of Brescia and Milan as major investors, holding 25% of the share capital each. Other municipalities also have a total share of 4.4%, while the remaining 45.6% is represented by the market, divided between institutional and retail investors
31 December 2024 | 31 december 2023 | |
Municipality of Brescia | 25% | 25% |
Municipality of Milan | 25% | 25% |
Other municipalities | 4.4% | 4.5% |
Market | 45.6% | 45.5% |
The institutional investors (investment funds and other financial institutions) hold about 30.8% of the share capital. Approximately 35% of the shares held by institutional investors are in funds that integrate ESG analyses into their investment processes. 43.6% of the free float in the hands of institutional investors is held by US investors, 18.5% by Italian investors, about 12% by British investors, 6.3% by French investors, followed by German and Irish investors with 5.8% and 3.3% respectively.
31 December 2024 | 31 december 2023 | |
United States | 43.6% | 39.7% |
Italy | 18,5% | 21,6% |
United Kingdom | 12,0% | 14,1% |
France | 6,3% | 4.6% |
Germany | 5.8% | 5,5% |
Ireland | 3.3% | 6.1% |
Rest of Europe | 7.4% | 5.8% |
Rest of World | 3.1% | 2.6% |
The retail investors (natural persons and legal entities in this category) hold 13,9% of the share capital. Almost all of the retail shareholding is resident in Italy, and in particular 58% in Lombardy. The investors residing in the provinces of Milan and Brescia hold 27.1% and 13%, respectively, of the total retail.
The data were prepared on the basis of the Shareholders' Register updated as of the dividend distribution date (May 22, 2024), communications received pursuant to Article 120 of the Consolidated Finance Act and other available information.
For further information about the shareholders that hold, directly or indirectly, a significant stake in the company (i.e., more than 3% of the share capital), please visit the Consob website.
Cluster | Number of shareholders | % | Number of ordinary shares | % |
1 - 100 | 3,360 | 4.8% | 139,558 | 0.0% |
101 - 500 | 9,375 | 13.3% | 3,612,758 | 0.1% |
501 - 1,000 | 12,816 | 18.2% | 11,959,421 | 0.4% |
1,001 - 5,000 | 28,653 | 40.7% | 79,713,522 | 2.5% |
5,001 - 10,000 | 7,773 | 11.0% | 60,801,570 | 1.9% |
10,001 - 50,000 | 6,650 | 9.4% | 144,682,320 | 4.6% |
50,001 - 100,000 | 794 | 1.1% | 58,182,227 | 1.9% |
100,001 - 500,000 | 655 | 0.9% | 144,135,724 | 4.6% |
500,001 - 1,000,000 | 132 | 0.2% | 96,224,984 | 3.1% |
1,000,001 - 99,999,999,999 | 197 | 0.3% | 2,533,453,193 | 80.9% |
Total | 70,405 | 100% | 3,132,905,277 | 100% |
Year | Number of shares |
Nominal value (€) |
Total amount (€) |
Treasury shares |
% of share capital |
2021 - 2024 | 3,132,905,277 | 0.52 | 1,629,110,744 | 0 | 0.00% |
2016 - 2020 | 3,132,905,277 | 0,52 | 1,629,110,744 | 23,721,421 | 0.76% |
2009 - 2015 | 3,132,905,277 | 0.52 | 1,629,110,744 | 26,917,609 | 0.86% |
2008 | 3,132,905,277 | 0.52 | 1,629,110,744 | 47,434,850 | 1.51% |
From 2008 to 2022 (current date) neither changes in share capital nor stock splits have occurred
In 2021 the remaining own shares were sold following the merger of LGH into A2A
Useful resources
A2A S.p.A. - P.I. 11957540153