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SDG 7 – Affordable and clean energy

Helping to reduce the environmental impact of towns and cities, primarily on air quality, by implementing district heating and cooling.

Helping to reduce the environmental impact of towns and cities, primarily on air quality, by implementing district heating and cooling.

  • Sustainability plan
  • Performance 2023

Sustainability plan


Increase the shares of energy production from renewable sources


KPI 2023 2026 2030 2035
Total RES installed capacity (GW) Generation BU  2.53 2.74 3.66 5.55
Percentage renewable energy of total – Generation BU  33% 34% 40% 62%

2023 figures are the baseline against which the 24-35 Plan had been calculated. Starting from 2025, annual performances will be compared to the targets to assess wether the Group is on track of the targets themselves. 

District heating

Help reduce the environmental impact of cities, with special attention to air quality, by implementing district heating and cooling.


KPI 2021 2023 2026 2030
CO2 avoided thanks to DH (kt/y) -323 -332 -477 -595

2023 figures are the baseline against which the 24-35 Plan had been calculated. Starting from 2025, annual performances will be compared to the targets to assess wether the Group is on track of the targets themselves. 

Performance 2023


green energy sold to customers 


heat/cold sold to customers 


hydroelectric, photovoltaic and wind energy

297,100 t/y

CO2 avoided because of district heating

Actions 2023

  • entry on operation of the Matarocco wind farm in Sicily with an installed capacity of 30 MW;
  • expansion of Fiera Milano photovoltaic plant to 3.9MW and start of construction site for the second phase of an additional increase;
  • new construction sites for photovoltaic plants in Ciampino, Tarsia 1 and Tarsia 7, Tosti, Cilea and Mazara;
  • start of construction work on the “Santo Stefano” photovoltaic plant and related work in the area bordering with the towns of Santa Maria la Longa (UD) and Pavia di Udine (UD);
  • awarded the European Senergy Nets project under the Horizon Europe program with the goal of demonstrating the benefits of integrating different energy carriers (electricity, district heating and gas) in order to pursue European emission reduction targets;
  • new partnership between A2A Calore e Servizi and the thermal energy producer, Fri-El Geo, aimed at increasing the use of renewable sources for heating the city of Milan, which will reduce CO2 emissions;
  • completion of the Alfa Heat Recovery process;
  • work continued under the Bergamo +Green project, with the extension of the district heating network backbone from Dalmine to the city of Bergamo;
  • initiated a pilot project with the Japanese company Hibot, which specializes in robotic solutions, to inspect older sections of the network. This technology has shown significant potential for inspecting inaccessible parts of the network without the need for invasive intervention, thus offering cost and time savings, while minimizing possible inconvenience to the public.

Actions following industrial plan

The Industrial Plan provides for a total investment of about €516 million for the development of energy efficiency and efficient district heating services in the civil, industrial, tertiary and public administration sectors. 

  • The plan includes investments totalling €140 million to expand the district heating business through the development of district heating networks and the implementation of strategies to increase the number of customers;
  • Development of ‘heat waste’ recovery projects (including heat recovery from data centers) and revamping of existing plants to optimize energy costs and maintain competitiveness;
  • AEB has started the construction of the “Santa Stefano” photovoltaic plant and related work in the area bordering with the towns of Santa Maria la Longa (UD) and Pavia di Udine (UD). The plant, which is expected to be completed by the first quarter of 2025, will have a peak capacity of around 60 MW.  
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